November 14, 2008

yeahhhh....My poor English

Today is Children day so i juss thought to share dis...Wel frnds today m gonna tel u bout my xceptional love for english....bcos my english is mindblowing trust me.n even u also can figure out vry easily bcos u can find 100s of gramatical mistakes on my blog.yeah but i hardly care.its my blog so i can rite even in french or german also...but rite now m telling u about my some funny xperience wid it..

heheh..sounding funny even frm d title..push or pull..plz m not plaining ne game here..this incident is bout wen i ws in 6th chhhoti si na..i knw i knw..wel u knw dere ws a chapter in science dats related to dat ws d 1st day of dat teacher juss called me up n said dear push d chair(actualy she ws trying to xplain d relation btw motion n force).n me such a big dumboo who ws so much confused btw pull n push juss strtd pulling d chair..hehhe...n evrbody strts laughing in d class...dat ws so embarassing..realy

wel now u say wts related to dis word...wel ppl vil not belive dere ws a tym wen i realy don knw hw to spel it correctly..i alwaz asumed dat it spels like "osam".n even i nvr tried to chk dis into d dictionary.but wen i cum to knw bout da speling of dis word i ws like shit i m realy a big tym fool....i seriously don knw nethng...

ya ya now u vil say its take care...i too knw dis..but u knw till my 1st sem i realy had no idea about it..i mean once wt realy happnd....i got a msg frm my frnd n in d end "tc" ws written dere.wen i read d msg.i ws means wt??.i mean surely its a short form of sm word but kiska??so i tried al my intelligence.but i ws not able to guessd it.n i ws in such a bad mood...i ws busy in thinking,wt he think of himself ?? hw dared he to write al dis nonsense?? hehhehe..srsly but later on wen i cum to knw bout d ful form....i ws laughing like a mad prsn...

so frnds now u kwn hw gud m in english so plz spare me for my bad english on my blog...


monk_who_nvr_had_a_ferrari said...

oye..mazza aa gaya padhke..i bet i hav much worse grammar dan u..n spellings..i hav a ph.d in makin mistakes in dem..a few days bak i forgot hw 2 spell great..
wil borrow ur idea n wil soon cum out my post on it...

silence said...

hehehe...wel i don think so...
in dis case nobody can beat me...
but ya u can try..i don mind...lets c!!!
newaz cheers!!!

Anonymous said...

silence... u have no clue abt d no of spellin mistakes i make... :p
and we all have such confusions... i still get tht pull n push confusion wid d doors..:p
thts an honest confession...
nyhw..loved readin this one..

Anonymous said...

hey gud wrk... ur post remainded me bou ma spellngs.... keep writn...

silence said...

hehehe...realy..i juss thought m d nly one wid dis pull n push confusion..
i cn understand d pain too :p
newaz thnxx for being wid me :):)

hehehe..i hope u r not like me..
newaz thnxx :)
