November 27, 2008

"Unforgettable School Days" --->II

My third step(6th to 9th class)
wel this is d tym when i strtd talking little bit..but stil smwhr i ws vry quiet but my temper ws vry high i found my 2nd best frnd too(or u can say first best frnd frm school whoz stil my vry gud frnd)..bcos d link ws broken frm d 1st one so..v formed d grp of 5 grls..Miss.N,miss P,miss R,miss K...but tel u d truth whole class ws like frnds nly..v never specially felt dat v vr in grp sorts....wel my grp leader(in d English subject v used to hv such grp leaders) Miss.A ws also used to b my another vry gud frnd( vry beautiful grl of my class)

wel dis ws d tym frm whr d real struggle strts 6th standard n my first poor performance in mathematics.. god i stil remember that ws not vry bad but definitely in comparison to othr subjects it ws bad..n in result of it i got 5th rank in my class..hehheh

wel i promised to papa that i'll improve in 7th class..this tym i too become the grp leader for the english subject,n ya in this class i took social studies in english for d first n d last tym.for d last tym bcos i ws realy not used to studying social studies in english..but stil i scored 75 mrks so i ws vry happy really. wel this tym i improved my rank too..i ws 4rth in my class..ya not so kewl but for me it ws vry gud...:):)