November 30, 2008

"Unforgettable School Days" ----->V

WELL this ws the journey of average student....i called it average bcos of mny reason"s:

i never topped in any of my class..neither i wished.
i came fourth in mor then half of my classes.
i never scored in 80's.i alwaz scored in 70's so.(xcept primary classes)ehheh.
i tasted success n failure both so again the sign of average student.
i alwaz selected easy thngs for computers..nvr gone for bio n al.
i never felt any kind of competition frm anybody (i don kno why may b bocs i ws happy with my average performance ).
i never wished anythng during this tym...remained alwaz aimless...i took evrythng wtevr came to my way..nthg else.
yes i njoyd the vry gud tym wid my al frnds.
i alwaz remained in gud buks of my teachers.
i ws full on attitude n high temper....alwaz,even in bad tyms too.
realy i ws tension free,careless grl..
wel whatever the case but stil i realy cant forget my school days..its unforgettable journey for me like ne othr normal student.. realy smbody truely said if u see school n lyf den u realize:

“There is small difference between school and life..In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test.In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson”


Anonymous said...

amazin last lines grl :)