December 3, 2008

Curiosity :o

WEL frnds its December 2008..last month of d year.i don kno wt next in d store for me. whatever....lets not talk bout the future..lemme njoy these last days

wel wel wel
(as ppl say "Be less curious about ppl & mor curious bout ideas" but who listen to al dis. which really gave me d idea to ryt on curiosity is ANONYMOUS. i don kno whoz he/she who posted d comment on my anothr blog but that definitely left sm curiosity..hehhe.. )

wel whatever b d reason i juss thot to write on this word " CURIOSITY"..its realy vry cute word
wen v see new thngs..
wen v meet new pp..
even wen v r confuse..
wen smthng affect us n make us think
wen suddenly smthng garb ur attention...Curiosity immediately comes into action

When v r curious,v find lots of interesting things to do.whthr its related to r prsnl or professional lyf. smwhr it realy keeps us moving frwd,keeps us doing new thngs.

this normally bring lozz of thots,lozz of ideas,lozz of interest...i mean wt not????
smtyms even this gvs us new direction.. it lead us to new path wen v r not ready to move,ready to chnge,ready to do nethng

u kno if i realy tel u the truth den m vry boring,lazzy prsn who generally even don take ne interest in nethng whthr new or old..hehe but stil today m talking bout curiosity..i think simply bcos of its hidden pwr which compelling me to think,to write,to talk,to say,to do which i normally believe i cant
now i can say although its juss the beginning of December but i am curious bout the coming year 2009
its really amazing!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

hii, vry true, it happns wid evrybdy, its curiosity vich smtyms mak ppl tak new challenges... its curiosty nly vich tak ppl towards new inventns, smtyms to new wonderful thngs, smtyms leads to failures or disasters.......
smtyms curisoty becms d resn for fun, smtyms probms.....strange infact vry strange....

Anonymous said...

hmm... m curious for ur next post.. :P
lol.. jokes apart..
gud yaar.. u r like a fountain of ideas.. u write on such topics which dun even click anyone..
good one yaar...
curiously waitin for more...

silence said...

i totaly agree its realy strange
d pwr of curiosity is juss like dat can distroy/mak ur lyf too..
u kno according to me its strong competitor is silence...
bcos that also smtyms gv lozz n smtym it takes awy evrythng

silence said...

heheh...thnxxx :):) on full of idea's i ll say that i nly try to analyze evrythng thats realy bad too truss gv lozz of headache

but yes it gvs me mny thngs to think n ryt...... hehe

lets c wt next in d store

Conundrum1989 said...

It is indeed amazing. Though I hadn't really noticed this aftermath of curiousity but had I not been curious bout some fellow blogger with the name "silence" I wouldn't have left this comment..


silence said...

thnxxx :):)i think u realy kno hw to praise sm1's work in a vry gud way
n ur poems realy show that u r vry gud at words too