November 16, 2008

r U oK ????

R u ok???? ya ya me fine!!!!what bout U????

wow so easy to say...but tel me hw mny times u realy meant that u r fine?????hmm..even not 10 times out of hundred.ok tel me hw mny times u hv said i am not fine.i think this time u vil say even not 5 times out of mathematics show 85 times v lie bout urself.don worry i am too wid u..i am not an xception

wow!!!! but y?? y??y??

i knw definetly v me v cant..bcos v r coward..realy.v vil not say this even if v r burning wid emotions,suffering frm lozz of pain,missing the most important thng of lyf.shit man realy shit.wen it cums to one glass of juice v immediately say hey chnge dis its bitter in taste,even bout success n failure v can say ya man i did it finaly..only i knw hw i managed.

but but...wen it cums to emotions,feelings,relationships.ya i knw bcos of fear,v don say a single word.but but...........

y cant v win it??
y v alwaz pretend that nthng effects us
y v alwaz pretend that v vry strong..even wen its not true
y v alwaz smile???
y v cant say that hey it hurts
y v cant say i never expected this from u
y v juss hold r tears in eyes???
y v leave things on r destiny??
y v strt luving wtever cums to us???
y ppl say tough ppl alwaz last not tough time
y v live in illusions????
y all dis nonsense???
y v luv this feeling that nobody knws bout r pain...v r vry cool...thngs cums n go but v remain solid like rock....
y v luv this superiority that v came out the hell widout nebody's help
y don v accept???
y don v simply say::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
i am hurt
i am in pain
i am crying
i am not able to handle it

i knw al dis but i never say that i am not fine


Anonymous said...

hi silence, its vry true, bt u noe y v do so becoz v dont trust everybdy... so its bttr to hid d feelngs rathr den mockd upon....

silence, i wud highly apprecaite n feel nic if u visit ma blog n gv ur valuable cmmnts.... lukng fwd to ur suggstns...

Anonymous said...

its amazin hw u pen down feelings...true enuf v rarely mean it whn v say " i m fine"..
d endin prose was really touchin.. wish thgs were in our hand alwaz...

amazin post..

monk_who_nvr_had_a_ferrari said...

hi silence,
hw r u..i guess fine??
haha bite me;P

beautifully u raised d question and answered it urself...yeah! watever crap happens to us we start beleiving dat we are or lets say somday we wil be fine with it..nd dan d oder thing being evry one already has dere own set of y make dere life more miserable by passing on urs too..which is i believe nt wrong nyway


silence said...

hiii..sorry for d l8 reply..
u realy said it correctly bcos of trust..but y yar y???y v don trust ppl???

newaz n ya bout visiting ur blog definetly i'll do dat..u don hv to say it...
n i'll pakka comment if i realy like to d nly thng i like to mention here dat m vry bad at comments n harsh too...but i'll definetly do.....

silence said...

thnx dear!!!
realy i too vish d same..but lets c next tym i'll try wen smbody ask me..nly i can try but cant promise..

silence said...

as i promisd to jess to b true bout dis ques so

m not fine..rite now m in vry much iritated mood :p..n d reason is vry simple..bcos today my net is working fine aftr long break of 5 u vil say u shld b happy bout it but..newaz...

n ya wt u said iz also correct.its not gud to add mor tension in odrs lyf...but stil i like to gv sm n take sm too


ankita said...
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Anonymous said...

hey silence i hv no probm wid ur harsh cmmnts.. i jus uk fwd to sm true cmmnts..jus write vat u mattr hw harsh dey may b...