November 8, 2008

I admire !

If i talk bout indian cricket team den definetly without a second thought i will take Sourav ganguly n Rahul dravid's name.....bcos i realy admire them lol n that to for different reasons..smtyms ppl affect ur lyf n smtyms u wanted to b like smone.even smtyms u juss adore ppl without any reason,may b bcos ur heart says...u see smthng gud or bad in dem....

wel rite now m talking bout sourav ganguly.what shld i say.i think hez beyond words.wel kwn for his fighting skills which i completely adore.when he announced that he would retire after the four-Test series against first reaction was y hez going??? but aftr smtym i realy felt that its a gud decision.rite now hez playing his last series.
i hope he will end his career in a terrific way by scoring a couple of good knocks.i juss wanna wish him lol of luck for his future.n a final gud bye from al his fan's side. Three cheers for him!!!!

i think any prsn can take lol of inspiration frm his lyf..n y i like him so much??wel if i realy tel the truth den ganguly n me share a same success n failure graph.. although m juss n ordinary gal n hez an ex indian dere is no comparison....n even i cant think of dat..but i too tasted d success n failure in a vry similar fashion...dat bad phase of my lyf realy taught me a big lesson.. the journey frm failure to success realy gvn me lozz of strength.. i was alwaz a tough prsn but dat realy made me hard stone frm inside.

i nvr allowed any one to understand al dis..n even i don want dat any body try to do dat also.i think smwhr al dese things help you see the clear picture of urself,othrs n if ever my sister ask hw u did it??? i hve never seen u crying??? hw u hve taken al dis?? n i juss say even i don knw dear bcos as ppl say u only cum to knw about ur strength wen u don left wid ne option n being strong is ur only option.i realy learned during such time its important to forget past mistakes.forget failures.forget about everything except wt you're going to do now. i think v r responsible for wt v r & wtever v wish ourself to b,v hve the power to make ourself. evrybody say wtever v wish to b in the future,can b produced by r own present actions so we shld to knw how to "ACT"

i realy love few line about failure..
failure doesn't mean u r a does mean u haven't succeded yet
failure doesn't mean u hve accomplished nethng...
it does mean u hve learned smthng
failure doesn't mean u shld gv up... it does mean u try harder
yes dats true i fear frm mny thngs in lyf but now i don hve any fear frm faliure's.may b bcos now i knw hw to handle it. now its not new for i knw smtyms right thngs go wrong.n we are the only ones who can bring chnges its juss a part of lyf..
i believe in one thing...
"The only time you don't fail is the last time you try anything'
and trust me it works


Vaibhav said...

hey nicely written, even m a great fan of Dada's grit and determination.


silence said...

thnxx vaibhav :):)